So this morning we ran over to the Jordan River Temple to start our temple tour. We hope to someday have gone to all the temples in Utah.It turned out that afterwards I had a volleyball game and we had no time to go back to my apartment and get my tennis shoes and clothes. Luckily I had my sweats and Eric had his basketball shoes in the back of the trunk so I was able to borrow those. The size of the shoes didn't hardly hinder my playing because I'm already not the best volleyball player.
I figured we should have our first couple movies that we made together on the blog. This one was made right after we got engaged.
Halloween is a kid's holiday. Our bodies may no longer suggest that we are children, but in our hearts we are just as immature as we were all those years ago. On Oct. 30 we went to a party with Debbie's/Esmerelda's co-workers at a home in Lehi. Everyone was assigned to a specific theme for the costumes and ours was Disney. Our first choice was naturally Ed the hyena from "Lion King" and Flit the hummingbird from "Pocahontas" but the costumes were too hard to come by. We settled for Quasimodo and Esmerelda and won a single vote for "Best Costume". I suppose had their been a category for "Best Hunchback and Female Dancer" we would have won that as well. On Halloween I wore my costume to work and people commented on it all day. I gave an older woman a good scare when she asked: "How did you make the hump?" and I looked at her with wide eyes and said, "I was born with it. Thanks for asking." She looked pretty terrified. We went trick-or-treating with my brothers Gavin and Hayden on Halloween night in Layton and were rewarded handsomely for being some of the last trick-or-treaters of the night: everyone was ready to call it a night and so they gave us as much candy as we wanted. Lovely.
The best worst movie. A true legend to behold. The other night we watched "Troll 2" which was filmed in a small town in Utah in the early '90s and is now known as the best worst movie ever made. The plot, the acting, the dialogue... absolutely nothing makes sense. One note of achievement for the film, however: the teenage daughter in the film, Holly, is played by actor Connie Young who later starred in the LDS-hit "Singles Ward" as Cami. You may argue that "Singles Ward" is the second best worst movie ever made. Not a very successful career, Connie. "Troll 2" is priceless. We didn't stop laughing the whole length of the film. My eyes were watering within minutes and my tummy ached. Maybe my favorite line of the movie was: JOSHUA (the boy, this is when he realized what the name of the city was backwards): Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backward! It's their kingdom! I recommend this movie to everyone on the earth.