After Kasey did my hair I slept in it and wore it to school today. It still looked good on day two. I wore the twist but next time she'll need to leave me with the braid because that one is pretty too.
And today was my first floral arranging class! We made bouquets but I brought it home and put it in a vase. If Carol has her baby really soon I'll make a bouquet for her. Would you like that Carol? I didnt arrange it in the vase really yet since I might split it but the flowers are so pretty.
And Kasey requested that I add these pics from the last girls night.
Also I am loving my classes. I am taking ceramics (I can't stop thinking about clay!), floral design, indoor plants, clogging and environmental microbiology. Clogging is truly the best exercise out there. I dont have a video of me doing it, but I taped someone else in the class doing our first solo dance. Here it is. (I cant seem to get the words to line up with the pictures so hopefully you figured it out)