Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chicken coop

Our new Chickens will lay mini eggs. But or other ones will lay large to jumbo sized. The big ones should start laying in the next 4-8 Wells. The ones we just got are already 7-9 weeks old, so they've got another 10-12 weeks before laying. We will get all brown eggs, except the Polish bantam will lay white eggs. I'm kicking myself for going with the silver laced beauty instead of the americauna which would lay blue or green eggs. But they didn't have older ones in the store and we didn't want to start out in the garage again. That was too messy. Some day.

Here are some pics of my coop that I built. The older chicks all roost on the same bar, all stuffed together. I wonder if one day they will get too big and will have to spread out some. The kids like to go in it, but the chickens poop a lot so I try to discourage that now that they go in there.

New chickens

We were at the farm store and Oliver begged and begged for one more chicken. I said no and that will would say no too. So I texted Eric so that Oliver could hear from him too that it was a no. I even told Eric PS I'm expecting you to say no. Well, Eric texted back , Sure, I'm ok with more. 

Well, instead of me being smart and sticking with what I said, I told Oliver that he said yes. We then went to a different farm store that has a bigger selection and choose out not one, but three more chickens. One is a silver Wyandotte and a normal sized chicken. But the white one and black ones are banties, or miniature chickens. And the white one is a Frizzle, so an extra fluffy chicken. We named the white one snowball. This one acts like a little puppy and is so friendly and sweet. The black one with a fluffy white head we named eagle because she looks like a bald eagle. It is a white crested black polish. She will be small. She likes to perch on arms and fingers. 

The others haven't totally accepted them yet, but they don't really pick on them either. And they all sleep in the coop together. The older ones like to run around in a group in the yard and the younger ones hang out in the coop or chicken pen.

Painted shed

I painted the shed to be pretty. Oliver loves to let the chickens out in our yard. Today they finally found the one spot that I've most wanted them to go. My flower garden that tends to be full of slugs. Go get em, chicks!

New shed pictures