Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No Wonder They're Proud People...

I had always wondered why Texans were so proud of their state. It didn't seem like it was a whole lot different than other states, other than it was a mite bigger. Debbie had already been to Texas, but this was my first time. Hot-doggy, what a first impression I got.

Not only do Texans deep-fry just about everything

but they also have crazy mirrors that distort your body and probably make some people look better, like the strange 8-foot tall girl standing next to us that jumped into the picture.

Texas is also a fun place for children and for grown-ups who still act like children.

And there is a temple as well so that the arteries that are clogged up with deep-fried Twinkies, Oreos, Snickers, babies, artichokes, grape soda and vitamins can be spiritually settled.

So, I am darn tootin' proud to say that I am proud to have visited Texas. I can see now where the Texas pride comes from. Remember the Alamo.

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