Monday, March 28, 2011

Here's what you've been waiting for...

A week or so ago my companion (Debbie) and I (Eric) went back to the Country of a Thousand Dogs, the Land of Gypsy Palaces, the Kingdom of Cruddy American Rap Music: Romania.

It was the first time for either of us to go back since our missions, and it was magical. We met up with members, roamed the streets that we both knew so well, we had dinner and conversation with the mission president's family, and we also took a day out of the Romania portion of the trip to see Debbie's parents on their mission in Hungary.

Debbie modeling at a metro stop

Debbie chillin' with enthusiastic mannequins

Here is a video compilation of our extravaganza (not sure of the exact meaning of the word), and Debbie will put up pictures later. The video:

Also, if you would like to see the rest of the pictures on facebook, here is the link

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