Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Downstairs Bathroom

I just finished the downstairs bathroom.  I painted two walls gray and all of the trim bright white.  I moved the towel rack and added some new towels, rugs and shower curtain.  It still isn't super fancy, especially considering there is a washer and dryer in there,  but at least it now looks fresher.  It is funny how my original plan was that I would do that room first since it would be the easiest and I ended up doing it last.  I still need to paint the trim in Oliver's room,  but there is no rush there now that I've painted every room in the house. I want to build him a low loft bed,  but that has to wait until I finish my outdoor projects. 
Total cost of bathroom
Rugs-$2 (sage paid the other $14 when she bought me a shower curtain that I returned)
Picture of the Salt Lake -$5 from DI
Shower curtain-$20


  1. Nice job, Debbie dear! It really looks great. And way to do it all for only $50 bucks!

  2. Good job! And I really like your towels!

  3. We can hardly wait to come to try it out.

  4. Looks great Jebs. Wow, near end of indoor painting projects. Well done!


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