Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Downstairs Bathroom

I just finished the downstairs bathroom.  I painted two walls gray and all of the trim bright white.  I moved the towel rack and added some new towels, rugs and shower curtain.  It still isn't super fancy, especially considering there is a washer and dryer in there,  but at least it now looks fresher.  It is funny how my original plan was that I would do that room first since it would be the easiest and I ended up doing it last.  I still need to paint the trim in Oliver's room,  but there is no rush there now that I've painted every room in the house. I want to build him a low loft bed,  but that has to wait until I finish my outdoor projects. 
Total cost of bathroom
Rugs-$2 (sage paid the other $14 when she bought me a shower curtain that I returned)
Picture of the Salt Lake -$5 from DI
Shower curtain-$20

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sneak Peak at Decks

So here are just two of my many projects that I have been working on.  I'm trying to refinish my deck that comes off the kitchen because the paint is all peeling. It seems like the prep work is never ending.
Then my other project that I've been working on now for at least three months. The project of the year. My pallet deck.  Problem is, I've run out of wood, so I'm kind of stuck and I wasn't able to make my goal of finishing July 1. Which makes me sad.  But hopefully I'll find a way to finish, and soon, so that we can start really enjoying it. And so I can start some of my other building projects before the summer is over.