Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hogle Zoo

It is time for some catch up! (There are 3 other new posts after this one, so don't forget to check them out)

Last Wednesday was a free day at the Hogle Zoo, so of course we had to check it out. We have found that the days that we don't go outside, we all get pretty cranky. Luckily it felt quite pleasant at the zoo- I think it was in the 50s. In fact it has been an extremely warm winter so far. Most days have been in the 40!

We really enjoyed seeing the animals and running around. We went with Cara and Quincy and they sure are fun company.

Dress up

My neighborhood does a monthly nickel auction and it is so fun. Everyone brings things that they no longer want (in good condition), we get together and auction things off. Everything starts at a nickel. I usually spend around $2, but get bags of fun things. (Then I have to remember to go through my things and get rid of extra stuff). Over the last few actions I've gotten lots of clothes for Oliver, toys, clothes for me and Eric, shoes, belts and other random things. It is a great way to get rid of things and allow others to get things for CHEAP.

Of the things that I have gotten are two dress up outfits for 5 cents each. The bee outfit was meant for Teddy, but Oliver had to try it on (it did NOT fit).

 Teddy is almost big enough for the Bumbo.

 Eric made Oliver a robot outfit too. While he wears it we sing "Follow the Robot" (to the tune of "Follow the Prophet" the children's primary song).

 I also found a step stool at DI, so now Oliver can turn on his own light and wash his hands without assistance. Yahoo!

 But the second outfit that I got last night was a Buzz Lightyear outfit. Oliver is IN LOVE with Toy Story right now, so it has been perfect. He is a pretty cute Buzz.

It's cookie time!

That is what Oliver says anytime food is involved and he is excited to eat. "it's ramen noodle time, it's mac and cheese time, it's ice cream time" etc.

Kim sent us some cute cookie cutters so we decided to put them to use. Boy, was that hard though. Teddy was screaming in the other room and Oliver kept shoveling handfuls of cookie dough in his mouth, especially parts of the already cut cookies. But then Eric came home from work and saved us. The cookies turned out pretty cute and quite tasty!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Got my wisdom teeth out

So after a ton of failed attempts, sick dentists, and calling the insurance company a million times, i finally got my wisdom teeth out on the last possible day before my insurance changes.
First we have a picture of my face starting to go numb. The almost before picture.

Next is the after shot, trying to smile.

Then we have me in the car realizing that when I try to close my mouth, my lips are all crooked.
And of course, the two wisdom teeth (both the top ones).
And here is my face on day 2.
And an added bonus: Indee has a CTR charm for her necklace, which is a mini ring that fits Teddy's finger perfectly.