For my birthday this year, Eric threw me a little birthday party on Friday night and it was a lot of fun. I made a cake for myself and although it didn't turn out quite like it was in my mind, it still was pretty good. I did a 5 layer cake that was huge and took forever to make. It had alternating layers of chocolate and vanilla with a lemon layer on top. The inside frosting was raspberry buttercream made from fresh raspberries. The outside was a chocolate buttercream frosting. If I could do it again, I'd have done it all with the raspberry frosting. It was too good. And no chocolate cake either. All vanilla. For the outside, I had planned on making a bunch of random chocolate shapes. After doing a few randoms, I decided to make shapes of things I like. Looking at the pictures you'll find that I like my family, traveling, Florida, Utah, and the beach.
Eric got me the only thing that I have wanted for a year. A chest freezer! It is so perfect. And it is new and got delivered right to me! I love it.
The other thing he got me was a visit for the four of us to the trampoline place called Sky. It is right near our house, but I haven't ever been there (but I've always thought it sounded fun). And fun it was! The whole place (which used to be a Petsmart so it is big) is full of trampolines. They have a section for dodgeball, pretending you are on a skateboard and doing a halfpipe, basketball, tricks and flips, and just a really long trampoline section. It was so fun and tiring that the boys both slept in til 8 the next day.
The last part of celebrating was going to go see the play The Little Mermaid at one of the community theaters. My friend Kirsten was playing Ursula and she did a great job. We brought Oliver along too and he loved it, especially Flounder. Saturday we also went to Golden Corral and that was delicious. It was a great birthday weekend.