Cambria was careful to pay close attention to everything in the zoo that wasn't an animal, such as this large, wet globe thing by the entrance.
I've never felt so safe in my life.
Luckily the lions are kept behind bigger fences than these guys.
Everyone made such a big deal about King Kong, but he's much smaller in person.
The zoo keepers were extremely nervous when they saw that one of the gorillas had escaped...
...and then they realized that gorillas do not wear people clothes. Boy, were their faces red!
Giraffes doing time in prison. It doesn't take long before they lose their minds altogether and mistake the walls for the green leaves of the Sahara.
One of many of Lord Voldemort's followers that is now behind bars. Or at least glass.
I have the bad habit of sneezing really loud when I'm being eaten.
Debbie, Hayden, Indee, Cambria and the Wooden Elephant.
It was a lot of fun and we are happy that we do not live in such small, enclosed spaces, although if you watch our apartment tour video, you may think differently.
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