Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We got a new calling!

So this past sunday we both got a new calling in the ward. When he told us I was kind of like "what? are you serious?" It was a calling I never really thought that I would get. At first it sounded a little intimidating to me but now (we got the same calling) Im really excited about it! It is.... Ward Employment Specialist! Fun huh? Well we have already started full speed by starting a ward employment blog. It is pretty cool with links to some really cool websites that have job opportunities (the LDS one is the best- we searched jobs within a 5 mile radius of our house and it came up with over 300 openings!) I plan on doing financial tips in the blog posts and other fun random opportunities for people like me like surveys (when I find them) where you get money and stuff. Here is the link for you to check it out www.byu174jobs.blogspot.com its not perfect yet, but I just started it, so it still has a way to go!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it turns out that last night our bishop gave Sean the same calling. I was asking why the bishop wanted to see him, and he said "What callings did you say Debbie and Eric get?....Yeah I got that". I guess with all his hour at the Power Plant it will be a good calling for him. I like your blog for the calling and the ideas you had for it. Keep up the good work!!!


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