Dave and Ridley Pearson came to the Provo library last night to promote their new Peter Pan book and we were able to hear them speak and then have them sign two of my books after. They were both very nice and fun to listen to and I can only hope that they had a good experience here. The best part was when Dave Barry was telling a story about the beginning of his and Ridley's careers together and how he went to get a cup of coffee and a small market and he paused and said, "Is that bad that I would even mention coffee here?" And everyone chuckled, and then he continued with, "I was only drinking coffee because they were out of heroin." Funny, funny man.
Here are the pictures to prove it:
They read a snippet of their new book to us, which was very funny.
Our plan was to get more of a candid shot while they were signing other books but they were so nice that as soon as we stood behind them they both looked up and smiled.
This is in one of my favorite Dave Barry books, which is now priceless.
This was the first Peter Pan book that they wrote together.
They were funny! They had a lot of fun stories. And because they wrote a prequel to peter pan, Disney World gives them year long passes and they can go behind the scenes whenever they want. And they even rode in the Disney parade!