Sunday, July 28, 2013

Free Pack-n-Play from

I don't have a pack-n-play and haven't really needed one. But since Oliver has started crawling I was overjoyed when sent me a free one.

 We also got a little rapper in the house.
 And I finished the quilt top for Wendy. I hope that she will like it. It will be good visual stimulation for baby Ruth.
Here are some new things about Oliver
  • Is a quick little crawler
  • Still has no teeth
  • But without teeth is still able to chew things really well
  • As of the last few days is doing GREAT at eating with his fingers. can grab little things with his pointer finger and thumb
  • In fact he seems like he is starting to like people food better that momma's milk
  • Would rather eat solid food than pureed food with a spoon
  • When we read our animal book he can point to several animals (sheep, dog, chicken, and sometimes horse and sometimes duck) when I make the sound and tell him to point to it. Now that's impressive!
  • Pulls himself up to stand everywhere. Figured out about toilet paper today.
  • Is crazy wiggly in sacrament meeting but stays nice and quiet
  • Goes to bed around 6:30-7 pm

Friday, July 26, 2013

Everyone Loves Puppies

It's the truth isn't it that everyone loves puppies? Well sometimes we feel like our baby is a puppy. He is so incredibly cute and does such silly things that make us laugh constantly. We love our little puppy.
Gavin, Hayden, and Indee came up and visited for a day. We had a lot of fun.
Carrie also came and visited for Sara Brunson's wedding. It was fun to hang out.
One day I went out to run some errands and came home to this.
Our spoiled little son getting to eat dinner in the living room while watching a movie with papa.

Eric put up a campaign poster in Layton for city council. Maybe one day.
We had a little campout in Layton on Eric's parents lawn with the whole family. The cousins all got together and hung out.
The 24th was Pioneer Day. We went to the park for a little homemade butter and some hatchet throwing. We must have improved since last year because both Eric and I got the hatchet to stick in the wood target. We got coupons for Wendys frosties. We also pet some mini animals, played with stilts, and pulled handcarts. It was fun. Oliver's hair is getting long if you can't tell.
Oliver has been pulling himself up on everything. All he wants to do is stand. It cracks us up because he also likes to suck on the edge of whatever he stands against. Lots of standing means lots of falling. It also means trying to stand in the bathtub. Hopefully he starts responding to all of our nos and instructions soon. As well he is becoming a speedy master crawler.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Giggle Son and a Family Reunion

In public Oliver likes to pretend that he doesn't think Eric is very funny. But at home this is how it really is.
And this is Oliver with his first crawl/scoot ever (this was 2 weeks ago). He is much better at it now and we can't keep him in one place. He crawls around the whole house and likes to take breaks and get in a real crawling position as a teaser for the future.

He is getting better at drinking from a bottle by himself.

And at eating Lizards.

He loves soft pretzels.

Look at these yummy brownies. Actually don't be fooled. They are made with black beans as a substitute for flour. All the reviews said that you couldn't tell a difference and boy were they wrong. They were probably one of the grossest things I have ever tasted. So don't try them.
Watching his show.
At the Rigby reunion.
Eric's new favorite game of spikeball.
Secret pictures from Eric and Oliver.
Had a fun visit from Wendy and family. It was fun getting to meet Joseph as well.
Push-up time.

Wendy and Oliver at the parade.
Happy 9 months, Oliver!
If you didn't see the previous post about the Stadium of Fire, check it out!