Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pics to Share

Here are the pictures that I put on Facebook from our visit to see the new Provo City Center Temple. It was gorgeous.
Here are some pictures from my phone that I realized I hadn't shared and are cute. 
Oliver had a tea party with our neighbor Taylee and it was really cute to watch them pour water for over an hour.

Oliver also loves to hang out with his cousin, Carson, and hang out in a pack and play.
Teddy wasn't feeling so good one day, so we snuggled.
These were the cupcakes that I made for Eric's birthday. Oliver requested them.
Teddy LOVES this chair.
Teddy thought it was cool to sit in this box.
And he climbs on everything!
At Wendy's house Oliver played Pie in the Face and was the first one to get it in the face.

1 comment:

  1. Thats the first time ive seen pie in the face. Im guessing thats not shaving cream. Glad you included the video so i could tell what happens. Oliver was a great sport about it. Very calm, cool, and collected as he peacefully took a bite of the cream pie in the face.


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