So this last Friday I defended my thesis! Yep! I finally did it! And I passed. The presentation went really well. About 20 people came including everyone in my lab, about 5 people from school who are not in my lab, my committee, Wendy, Daniel, Eric, Oliver (who slept like an angel through the whole thing), and Mike and Kathy. After they excused everyone I had an oral exam (which is what I was really worried about because they can ask me about everything- like coursework and about my project), but it ended up going alright and then they told me I passed with revision. The only revisions was to add a tiny tiny little sentence to my paper and do another edit for small errors, and have my professor do one more edit as well. I did my edits yesterday and my professor said he would do his on Monday. I hope to have it all turned in by Wednesday. Once it is turned in, I am completely done! Yippee!!! Oh yes and I cut my hair as a celebration. I donated about 15-17 inches and cut off about 20-22 inches.
So as a celebration for being done, I decided that with my free time, I will finally start an exercise program. I'm trying out the Jullian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I started it yesterday and wow I am sore today. I got the DVD from the library, but I will probably end up buying it. I think it is only about $8 at Wal-Mart.
Also yes, I did mention that Wendy and Daniel were here for my presentation. They were also here the last time I gave a poster presentation. They just like to see me present I guess. Just kidding. Actually Daniel's grandma died, so they came out for the funeral and it just happened to be perfect timing. It has been fun to see them a little bit. It is also convenient that his parents live only 10 minutes from our apartment.
As for Oliver, as of Friday, he has been talking up a storm! He used to never make a peep and now he is always squealing and talking to himself. It is pretty cute. So here are a sequence of pictures that are just too funny. I took them literally 5 seconds apart and he just kept doing this thing over and over so I just kept taking pictures.
And there there are the flute lessons. I figured Oliver should start developing his musical talents early, so we had a lesson on how to hold a piccolo (perfect sized flute for Oliver).
Oliver is just so cute when he is sleeping, so I was able to take a picture of him asleep for the night. A lot of nights we just go in and watch him sleep because he is so cute. You would never guess in this picture that it is really dark in the room. I love my camera and it's abilities.
And then there are more silly faces as seen in these next pictures. Eric is really good at getting him to smile and laugh and make funny faces. He has started sitting up almost on his own.
He just hit his 5 month mark of living. He is 17 lbs now.
We got Fantasia from the library for him. He really enjoyed most of it in small segments when we needed our hands to be free.
He got his hand stuck the other day in his toy and it was funny to watch him try to get it out and how he had to take breaks every so often.
And this picture is just so sweet of him and Eric that I think I'll finish with it.
Oliver is too cute! ... Just so you know the 30 day shred is on youtube, so I've been doing it through that. You can't beat free. :) I'm so happy you decided to do it!