Monday, February 11, 2013

4 Month Success

So last post I mentioned about Oliver not being able to stand in the corner, but today I am a proud mama of a standing baby. Here are pictures to prove it! 
And he was actually happy while he did it!

I just love how the arms went straight down by his side.

 And in the end he was on the floor again, but only after success.

He is always wanting to stand up after everything, so that is why I tried the corner standing again.
 There is always room for this cute kid in my house! In his cute church clothes.

 He really cracks us up with this position- he is so focused when he is like this.

 I got this new play thing for free and after a dip in the laundry machine, it is good as new. He generally likes it.
 So stinking cute! He really stinks all the time. Stinky toots.

He is getting so so big.

 He would NOT stop wiggling for his 4 month pictures.
 Our little Arab baby praying.
 It seems that every child loves boxes. So I had to see if Oliver was just like every other kid. Turns out he is. He loved it!
 I put him on the couch and he would slide down almost immediately. He really wiggles all the time now.
 And this is the cutest video ever.

Other fun things
  • lately his socks will not stay on at all
  • he has been doing crazy things with his tongue lately that leave us rolling on the floor
  • he always is holding his hands- it is perfect for when we say prayers. Always ready.
  • he goes to bed at 6:30. yesterday we went to a friends house and bathed him early and he tried to go to bed at 5
  • it turns out he really loves sleeping in our bed and somehow he keeps wiggling in with us
  • my sister-in-law Jen told me about how your hair falls out after having a baby. Well it wasn't happening - I've had really low hair shedding ever since I got pregnant. Well, as of last week that changed. My hair is falling out by the handfuls! Hair is everywhere and it is driving all of us crazy.

 and all the other pictures that were cute, but didn't fully make the post.

1 comment:

  1. He is soooooo cute! Seriously adorbs! Also MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT TOO! Its driving me nuts....hahaha so funny


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