Sunday, May 15, 2016


Well,  I took Oliver to the dentist. He got x-rays and it is cool because you can see his grown up teeth growing in in the x-rays! For some reason it never occurred to me that I would get a sneak peak of those.

Good news is that he did really great and liked getting all the fun toys and toothbrushes. Bad news,  he has a cavity,  maybe three! Seriously?!? It is the year of the cavities apparently. Eric just got five cavities fixed  (it has been like four years since he has been to the dentist and does have an extreme sweet tooth), I even had a cavity filled  (it was behind my concrete holding my retainer so I couldn't stop it if I tried-and it was a hard to detect, soft cavity). Now,  I guess it is Oliver's turn.  And he'll have to go under anesthesia.  He says there is for sure one cavity (can you see it on that front tooth? ) and maybe two others.  Hopefully this is the end of our dental bills for a while.

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